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Shearing 2015

Prometheus (Center) and Baxter (Far Left) wondering where their treats are.

Shearing Season, 2015 is officially over. Everything went without a hitch, with the wonderful aid of Ernie and Denise Gamroth from Battle River Alpacas, who were so kind as to come up and spend the weekend with us visiting and trying to teach us to shear (I hope we are not too much of a lost cause!).

Needless to say, our alpacas are appreciating the haircuts.

Maurice, enjoying the breeze.

The Llamas are enjoying their new haircuts as well, although they are not as handsome as the alpaca boys. When we rescued them, we could see that they had not been shorn in a long time (for some, if ever), on top of not having been handled. It was a long haul, but we finally managed to convince them that we were not trying to kill them, and they even began to enjoy it once they realized that the hand-shears were taking some of the weight off their shoulders. They even seemed to enjoy the post-shearing brushing.

Next step for the year will be birthing season, which we are awaiting on baited breath. In the meantime however, we have lots of fibre to play with!

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