Ever want the excitement of owning an alpaca-- without actually having to scoop poop, dish hay, and otherwise care for one? Then sponsorship may be the thing for you! Sponsor's can rest easy knowing that 100% of funds from sponsorships go back to the alpacas, to help cover the cost of hay, supplements, shearing and if neccesary, emergency vet bills. Silver level sponsorship's are good for one year, and equal roughly $17 per month. Sponsorship Benefits: Each Silver level sponsor will recieve a certificate of "adoption"* A fact page about their chosen animal A 4 x 6" glossy photo of their animal A birthday card (either via e-card or via mail) Quarterly newsletter updates Additional updates on all show wins your animal may gain. A 10% discount code which can be applied to any of the animals products on our website (Fleece, yarn, roving, batts, clothing, dryer balls, etc.) 2 private farm visits with their chosen animal ** Includes an introduction to the animal Introduction to handling procedures Feeding and interacting with the herd. Unique Adoption Pin 5 Pack of One-of-a-Kind Alpaca Greetng Cards * Adoption is only symbolic, and does not constitute ownership of the selected animal(s). Sponsors are entitled to the above-mentioned benefits. ** By appointment only, subject to availability which may be discussed during the making of an appointment. Please specify preference for e-card or physical birthday card, as well as the birthday of the chosen recipient. For physical birthday cards, please also include the recipient's mailing address.
Sponsor An Alpaca - Silver